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Improving The Quality Of Your Testimony In A Criminal Trial

When trying to determine a defendant's innocence of guilt, a series of witnesses may be called upon to testify for both the defense and the prosecution. Being asked to testify in court can be a daunting request, but there are some simple things that you can do to ensure your testimony serves its intended purpose.

Here are three simple and effective ways that you can improve the quality of your testimony during a criminal trial in the future.

1. Be honest in your testimony.

While most people know that they shouldn't lie while they are under oath, some people fail to realize that telling an outright lie may not be the only way to be untruthful while providing testimony.

You should avoid exaggerations of the truth or making speculatory statements while you are testifying. Exaggerating your story to make it more compelling or offering your opinion on the truthfulness of a statement or situation can be considered dishonest. Stick to the facts that you know, and don't embellish your story in any way.

2. Don't elaborate when answering questions.

When providing testimony in a criminal trial, you will be asked questions by both the defense and the prosecution. It's important that you carefully listen to the questions you are being ask, and that you provide answer to those questions only.

Don't elaborate on your answers, as this could cause you to provide additional information that could negatively affect the outcome of the trial. Any information you provide on the witness stand will be heard by jurors, so keep your answers short and pointed while you are testifying in the future.

3. Be confident in your delivery.

Although you may feel nervous while you are on the witness stand, it's important that you attempt to deliver your testimony in a confident and direct manner. A lack of confidence can cause you to appear unsure of the information you are providing, rendering your testimony useless and causing the jurors to question the validity of the information you are giving.

Speak in a clear voice, make eye contact with the attorney asking you questions, and avoid the use of qualifying statements like "in my opinion" or "as i recall" when providing testimony.

Serving as a witness during a criminal trial is a stressful, yet important task. Be sure that your testimony positively contributes to the trial proceedings by being truthful with your answers, avoiding elaboration, and delivering your information in a confident manner. For more information, contact companies like Lowry Law Firm.
