Divorce And Name Changes: What You Need To Know

When you decide to get a divorce, one thing you may want to do is make a change to your last name. If you want to change your last name as part of your divorce, you should know the following things: Why Would You Want to Change Your Last Name? Some people choose to no longer use their spouse's last name once they get divorced. There could be many reasons why you want to change your name.

How Are Online And In-Person Divorce Mediation Different?

Are you in the process of getting a divorce and trying to decide how you want to handle mediation? You may now have the option of doing it in person or online. If you're still unsure which route to take, here is what you need to know about these two forms of divorce mediation How Does In-Person Divorce Mediation Work? In-person mediation can work in a variety of different ways, either with it being in real time or a bit delayed.

What To Expect From A Personal Injury Law Service

If you are injured after a car accident, you might be nervous to speak with a personal injury law service. After all, the outcome of your legal case will have a strong impact on your life, and you might be worried about what the attorney would say. You will also have to provide very personal information to the attorney, and you may not want to recount the events of your accident.

Can You Go After Your Ex For Child Support On A Felony Level?

Each state has its own laws regarding child support obligations, but one thing remains true across the board: if a person is court-ordered to pay child support and fails to do so, they are in contempt of a judge's order. Whether or not they're held accountable for that failure is dependent upon a few factors, including whether the receiving individual of said child support files a case against the obligated person.

Why Your Divorce Attorney Won't Want To Start A War

As a marriage lurches toward its legal end, many people find themselves spoiling for a fight. When they go in for their first consultation with a divorce lawyer, however, they often discover that it's a rare attorney who wants to make a war out of it. You deserve to know why that is, and it can help you move forward with your case and, eventually, your life. Representing Your Best Interests

Why Are Many Family Law Issues Handled Separately?

Something that often surprises a client when they sit down to discuss a situation with a family law attorney is just how many issues are handled separately from each other. It might seem simpler to lump, for example, child custody and support concerns together. The court sees things differently and has the final word, but it's fair for you to ask just why this is. Avoiding Prejudice Consider a scenario where a parent is having trouble paying child support.

Divorcing – Getting Through Divorcing A Depressed Spouse

Being married to someone who suffers from severe depression is hard. It is hard not only for you; it is difficult for your family and your spouse. Unfortunately, it can be so hard that it takes a toll on the relationship and causes the marriage to fall apart. If you're considering divorcing a depressed spouse, you must take every step appropriately to avoid triggering a psychological event for your spouse. You don't want him or her to fall apart, you just don't want to be in the marriage any longer.

Ghosted By Your Spouse? Here's A Look At Your Rights

As much as marriage is supposed to involve commitment, it is actually not uncommon for one participant in the legally binding union to up and decide that married life is not for them. Unfortunately, this decision is sometimes accompanied by a true "ghosting" event, or a situation when one partner basically disappears. If you are the apparently not-so-significant other who has been "ghosted," there's no doubt that you will be upset enough that you will be ready to march down to the divorce attorney's office and end the whole situation.

What Is a No-Fault Divorce?

In recent years, the concept of a no-fault divorce has spread to many different states. Before no-fault divorce, people had to prove they had reason to end a marriage, like adultery or abandonment. Today, this is no longer the case. This means that if you are considering divorce, you need to understand that nobody needs to be "at fault" in order to secure a divorce. In most states, you can divorce for any reason under the label of "

How Your Child Custody Lawyer Can Help You With Your Case

Even if you think that you have a slam dunk case for child custody, you may still want to retain a lawyer for their custody law services. You just never know what the other parent might try to do or say, so it is best to hire a lawyer so typical issues can be resolved. Here are a few reasons why hiring a custody lawyer will help you: Right Of First Refusal