Involved In A Heated Divorce? 4 Steps That Can Protect Your Children From Parental Abduction

You don't want to think about parental abduction. However, now that you're involved in a contentious divorce and custody battle, you have to consider the possibility. This is particularly true if your spouse has ever threatened to run with the children if you tried to leave. Nearly half of all child abductions involve a parent or other family member. While you shouldn't spend every moment panicking, you should plan for the possibility. [Read More]

Talking with Your Divorce Lawyer: What Does He or She Really Need to Know?

Although the conversations between you and your divorce attorney are privileged, they can still be very uncomfortable for you. This stranger is digging into your personal life and asking you questions that you may not feel comfortable answering. If the answers to those difficult questions weren't necessary to provide you with the best possible service, he or she wouldn't be asking them, so you will have to find it within yourself to answer them. [Read More]

Want Out? 4 Signs That Separation Might Not Be In Your Best Interest

You and your spouse have been having marital problems for a while. You've tried to work through the issues. Unfortunately, the problems are still there. You don't want to file for divorce but you don't want to keep living in your current situation. Your friends have suggested a separation. Before you make your decision, here are four reasons why a legal separation may not be in your best interest. Divorce is Inevitable [Read More]

Getting A Divorce When Your Mate Is Nowhere To Be Found

So, you have been alone for some time now. You have gotten over the initial shock of your mate's leave-taking and are moving on with your life. The question is, how to become legally free so you don't have to worry about the problems that could come with acquiring assets or wanting to get remarried, etc? Consult a Family Attorney The first thing you will want to do is consult a local divorce or family law attorney, such as at Law Offices of Lynda Latta, LLC. [Read More]