What To Expect From A Personal Injury Law Service

If you are injured after a car accident, you might be nervous to speak with a personal injury law service. After all, the outcome of your legal case will have a strong impact on your life, and you might be worried about what the attorney would say. You will also have to provide very personal information to the attorney, and you may not want to recount the events of your accident. [Read More]

Can You Go After Your Ex For Child Support On A Felony Level?

Each state has its own laws regarding child support obligations, but one thing remains true across the board: if a person is court-ordered to pay child support and fails to do so, they are in contempt of a judge's order. Whether or not they're held accountable for that failure is dependent upon a few factors, including whether the receiving individual of said child support files a case against the obligated person. [Read More]

Why Your Divorce Attorney Won't Want To Start A War

As a marriage lurches toward its legal end, many people find themselves spoiling for a fight. When they go in for their first consultation with a divorce lawyer, however, they often discover that it's a rare attorney who wants to make a war out of it. You deserve to know why that is, and it can help you move forward with your case and, eventually, your life. Representing Your Best Interests [Read More]

Why Are Many Family Law Issues Handled Separately?

Something that often surprises a client when they sit down to discuss a situation with a family law attorney is just how many issues are handled separately from each other. It might seem simpler to lump, for example, child custody and support concerns together. The court sees things differently and has the final word, but it's fair for you to ask just why this is. Avoiding Prejudice Consider a scenario where a parent is having trouble paying child support. [Read More]